Monday, February 27, 2012

My $15 Business entry #1

Please excuse the crappy picture, I really need a new camera

I recently started reading this wonderful, and very informative blog written by Mandy whom I have to say has some very wonderful ideas.  Anyway she started a $10 business based on the Book of Matthew and she has been doing very well in the short time that she's been doing it.  For more information just go to her blog and read about it here.  After reading about how much success she has had on it in just a short time, I decided to give it a try too.  Except mine will be a little different, for starters I am starting out with $15 because that's what I had to start out with, also she is doing hers for 2 years, I plan on only lasting one year, or however long it takes me to gather enough money to buy this couch from Pottery Barn.  Which I guess in all reality could take me five years.


It's so lovely, and in case no one knew this about me, I am so obsessed with Pottery Barn.  Anyway back to the plan.  

So I want to see how far $15 will go in one year.  In one year Mr. Fireman and I plan to buy our home and I really want to make one big purchase and that is this couch.  

So you cant start a business (no matter the size) without a few rules so here they are;
1. I cannot pay myself anything, all the money I make goes right back into the pot so it can continue to grow
2. All transactions will be done with only the cash that has been made from the $15 Business
3. Cant go over that amount of cash that has been made, meaning I cant go into debt over this little business venture
Simple enough don't ya think!!  I'm super excited about this plan, and I cant Waite to get started.  Wish me luck!! Pottery Barn Pearce Leather couch here I come !!!

Sunday, February 26, 2012

Just before I break!

My Little Firefighter
Today started out a little rough for me. I woke up to a migraine and three fussy kids. But because today was scheduled to be a busy day I knew that I could not use my headache as an excuse not to do anything. We started off in Red Oak where my daughter and I had to sell Girl Scout cookies until three then she had a birthday party to go to. After that we had to take our oldest son to a birthday party until 6pm. I really don't know why but for whatever reason it seems that I only get migraines when I have a busy day planned. But then at the end of the day something so innocent and wonderful yet completely common happened, my youngest son Ross looked up at me with his big brown eyes and said "Mommy, firefighter loves you!" That was the BEST part of my day, and how could it not be? Just when I feel like I cant take it, or I feel like I'm going to break, the Good Lord gives me just what I need to keep on going. In this moment it was my little three year old reminding me just how much he loves me

Friday, February 24, 2012

Our Story

My husband (Mr. Fireman) and I met 8 1/2  years ago on a dating website.  I know a lot of people probably think that its crazy to meet someone in that way, (I even made my mother in law cry when I spilled the beans by accident one day, it was awful) but we met, fell in love, got pregnant, and got married in that order.  Shortly after my husband and I were married we bought our first home in Arlington Texas.  At that time I was working for a local day spa that was not yet currently opened to the public.  the position payed well enough but we were spending like crazy on things we really could not afford.  It wasn't long before I lost my job and we were only living off my husbands pay check.  After that we lost our home to the bank and moved into a rental house. I wish  we could blame our misfortune on the economy like so many people can, but the truth is we were just careless with our money.  A year later we had another baby and moved closer to Mr. Fireman's job in a little town called Hutchins.  Our plan is to fix our credit, save some money, and purchase a new and hopefully our last home. That is our plan but God may have other plans in store for us, and although I know this I have a hard time giving my whole self and my plans over to him.  I know this is something I need to work on.  I guess you could say that we have most defiantly learned our lesson in spending money we don't have, and we are now embracing a more frugal way of life.  Did I mention that I have a real shopping problem??  Something I really need to work on, but I have learned to shop for things at yard sales, thrift stores, and eBay instead of at high end stores, and I have learned to not pay full price for anything.  I have decided to use this blog as a creative way to record our journey, because even though it feels like we are going through rough waters at the moment, it wont be long before all this passes and we will look back and say to each other "Wow that wasn't so bad after all."